Medical Waste

Household Medical Waste

The following medical waste from homes must be managed separately from regular garbage:

Sharps(such as needles, syringes and lancets), chemicals, pharmaceuticals, mercury thermometers, medical devices and radioactive materials.

Non-sharp infectious waste

Non-sharp infectious wastes from homes include items like used bandages and bloody clothing, bed linens, furniture and carpet. Blood splattered bandages and other items can be discarded as is. Consider laundering clothing with stain removers so you can reuse the items.

Blood-soaked items should be bagged in plastic and put in the general garbage. However, if a third party (such as a trauma scene clean-up service or licensed infectious waste hauler) removes the items, the waste becomes subject to business requirements.

Safe handling & disposal of mercury thermometers and devises

Adams County Residents who have a household mercury thermometer or other mercury containing devises may bring it, free of charge to the Adams County Solid Waste Office for proper disposal. Place your thermometer/devise in a rigid plastic container or a plastic bag. We will not accept broken thermometers if not properly stored in a leak proof container and labeled "broken mercury devise".

Manage chemotherapy waste carefully

Chemotherapy drugs may affect others living in your home while your body is getting rid of the drugs. Disposable items (such as gloves, adult diapers and sanitary pads) should be sealed in two plastic bags and put in the regular trash. Reusable items (such as clothes and linens that have body fluids on them) may be laundered in a washing machine but should be laundered separately from other clothes. Before washing, store these items in a plastic bag.

The American Cancer Society offers practical precautions for people who recovering at home after receiving chemotherapy treatments. Scroll down to “How can I protect myself and those I live with while I’m getting chemo?”