Lake Information
Arkdale Lake
Arkdale Lake is located just off Highway 21 in the Town of Strongs Prairie, Adams County. This is a man-made lake of just over 41 acres. Maximum depth of 10.5 feet with an average depth of about 5 feet. The dam is owned and operated by the Arkdale Lake Association. The public boat ramp is on the southeast side of the lake north of Highway 21.
Contact Lake District: Email
Arrowhead Lake
Arrowhead Lake is located in the Town of Rome, Adams County. The impoundment is 295 surface acres in size. Maximum depth is 30 feet, with an average depth of 8 feet. The dam impounds Fourteen-Mile Creek downstream from the dams at Lower and Upper Camelot Lakes and Sherwood Lake, on it's way to the Wisconsin River. There is a public boat ramp located on the southwest side of the lake owned by the Adams County Parks Department, as well as a public swimming beach. Arrowhead lake is part of the Tri-Lakes Management District.
Big Roche-A-Cri Lake a.k.a. Cottonville Lake
Big Roche-A-Cri Lake is a man-made lake (impoundment) located in north central Adams County. It has a surface area of 205 acres, a shoreline length of 6.1 miles, a maximum depth of 25 feet and a mean depth of 9 feet. The Roche-A-Cri/Cottonville Dam impounds water of Big Roche-A-Cri to form the lake. The dam currently is operated to produce hydroelectricity. Recreational development occurs on most lots around the lake. There are two public boat ramps; one located just to the east of Highway 13 on the north side of the lake, and a second located on the northwest end of the lake.
Big Roche-A-Cri Lake District
Chair: Melissa Nelson Email
Vice Chair: Mike Szwajkowski Email
Secretary: Paul Ivaska Email
Treasurer: Mike Vorlob Email
County Rep: Bruce Mohns Email
Town of Preston Rep: Sue Booth Email
Harvesting Coordinator: Gary Chapman Email
Dam Operator: Ed Shanak - contact Adams County Land & Water LWC Email
Camelot Lake
The Camelot Lakes are located in the Town of Rome, Adams County. They are part of a series of lakes commonly called "Tri-Lakes". Lower Camelot Lake is the first lake in the series, where Fourteen Mile Creek enters. Lower Camelot Lake is 260 surface acres, with a maximum depth is 24 feet and an average depth of 8 feet. Spring Branch Creek enters Upper Camelot Lake, which has the same depths. There is a public boat ramp located on southwest side of Lower Camelot Lake owned by Adams County Parks Department. The dams that impound these streams and form the lakes are owned by Adams County and maintained by Tri-Lakes. The lake shores on both lakes are heavily developed.
Castle Rock Lake
Castle Rock Lake is part of the Wisconsin River flowage, located between Adams and Juneau counties in Central Wisconsin. It is a man-made lake of about 14,000 acres that opened in the early 1950s and is the fifth largest lake in Wisconsin. Its maximum depth is 36 feet. The dam is operated by the Wisconsin Power Company and generates electricity. Buckhorn State Park is located on the west side of Castle Rock Lake. There are also Adams and Juneau County parks on the lake.
Petenwell Lake, slightly north of Castle Rock Lake, is also part of the Wisconsin River Flowage. It is a man-made lake of 23,040 surface acres and a maximum depth of 48 feet. The dam on the lake is owned by the Wisconsin Power Company and is used to generate electricity. There are a number of county parks located on both sides of the lake.
Chair: Scott Bordeau Email
Vice Chair: Peter Manley Email
Secretary: Colette Camerano Email
Treasurer: Steve Taylor Email
Board of Directors:
Peter Manley Email
Jim Stewart Email
Gerry Ganther Email
Joe Stuchlak Email
Mark Diedrich Email
Virgil Miller
Rick Potter Email
Lynda Everson Email
Petenwell & Castle Rock Stewards
1735 Archer Lane, Nekoosa, WI 54457
Crooked Lake
Crooked Lake is located in the Town of Jackson, in south eastern Adams County. It is a natural seepage lake with good to very good water quality and clarity. Crooked Lake has 48 surface acres, with a maximum depth of 56 feet and a mean depth of 14 feet. The Wisconsin Department of Natural Resources has designated Crooked Lake as an outstanding water body. There is a public boat ramp located on the north side of the lake. The Crooked Lake Association has been active since 2004.
Deep Lake
Deep Lake is located in the Town of Jackson, in southern Adams County, WI, in the south central part of Wisconsin. Deep Lake is a natural seepage lake formed from historical glacier activity. It has good to very good water quality and clarity. There are 35 surface acres, with a maximum depth of 50 feet. The lake has an oval-shaped basin with a steeply-sloping littoral zone. The only public access is a steep stairway “carry-in”. There is no public boat ramp. Deep Lake is the only lake with public access in Adams County without any lake organization or district.
Easton Lake
Easton Lake is located in the Town of Easton, Adams County, WI, in the south central part of Wisconsin. The impoundment (man-made lake) is 24 surface acres in size. Maximum depth is 11 feet, with an average depth of 5 feet. There is a public boat ramp located on the north side of the lake owned by the Adams County Parks Department. The dam is owned and operated by Adams County. The Easton Lake District in active in the lake’s management.
Easton Lake District
Chair: Rich Mohler
Treasurer: Larry Molland Email
County Rep: David Grabarski Email
Dam Operator: Adams County Land & Water Email
Fawn Lake
Fawn Lake is located in the Town of Dell Prairie, Adams County, WI, in the south central part of Wisconsin. Fawn Lake is a mildly eutrophic impoundment with good water quality and fair water clarity. It has 29 surface acres, with a maximum depth of 13 feet and an average depth of 5 feet. Water level is controlled by a dam owned and maintained by Adams County. There is a public boat ramp on the northeast end of the lake. A public fishing dock is located near the boat ramp. The Fawn Lake District was formed in 2002-2003.
Fawn Lake District
Chair: Dave Sura Email
Secretary: Deborah Jensen
Treasurer: Ray Karas 3
County Rep: Jerry Poehler Email
Dam Operator: Adams County Land & Water
Fenner Lake
Fenner Lake is mostly located in the Town of New Chester, Adams County, WI. It is a mesotrophic natural seepage lake with fair to very good water quality and very good clarity. The lake has 33 surface acres, with a maximum depth of 30 feet and an average depth of 5 feet. The water level of Fenner Lake has been dropping in the last few years. A study is currently underway to determine causes. Fenner Lake has been designated a no-motor lake for some years. There is a sand boat ramp and swimming area at the far east end of the lake, owned and maintained by Marquette County. There is a Fenner Lake Association.
Fenner Lake District
Chair: Ed Weigl Email
Secretary: Ann Weigl Email
Treasurer: Julie Schmidt Email
Friendship Lake
Friendship Lake is a mesotrophic impoundment located in the Towns of Adams and Preston, Adams County, in the south central part of Wisconsin. It has good water quality and good water clarity. There are 115 surface acres, with a maximum depth of 16 feet and an average depth of 6 feet. The lake is created by the damming of Little Roche a Cri Creek and is fed by a large stream system that originates in the next county eastward. Friendship Lake Dam is owned and operated by the Friendship Lake District. There is a Village of Friendship owned park with boat launch and public beach located on the northwest end of the lake. Friendship Lake is managed by the Friendship Lake District.
Friendship Lake District
Chair: Bob Berry Email
Vice Chair: Tim & Tina Koonce Email
Secretary: Karen Pokorny Email
Treasurer: Sue Booth Email
County Rep: Rick Pease Email
Town of Adams Rep: Ron Johnson Email
Town of Preston Rep: Larry Gasienica Email
Village of Friendship Rep: Mandy Schwabe
Dam Operator: Friendship Lake District
Friendship Lake District:
Goose Lake
Goose Lake is located in the Town of Jackson, Adams County, WI, in the south central part of Wisconsin. This is a natural seepage lake with good to very good water quality and clarity. It has 81 surface acres, with a maximum depth of 18 feet and an average depth of 7 feet. With no stream outlet, water leaves the lake through groundwater seepage or by evaporation from the lake’s surface. The southwest basin of the lake provides the deepest water habitat. The north and west basins are deep marshes. An island partially separates the west basin and a peninsula partly separates the north basin. Most of the on-lake residences are along the eastern and southern shores. There is a lake Association and Lake District at Goose Lake.
Goose Lake District
Chair: Jeff Spitzer-Resnick Email
County Rep: Charles Quick Email
Hill Lake
Hill Lake is a private 12-acre impoundment located in the Town of Jackson in Adams County, WI. It has a maximum depth of about 9 or 10 feet, with an average depth of less than 5 feet. There is no defined public access. The lake is managed by the Hill Estates Property Owner's Association, which owns a private boat access and outlot for use by landowners in the lake area.
Jordan Lake
Jordan Lake is located in the Town of Jackson, Adams County, WI, in the south central part of Wisconsin. Jordan Lake is a natural seepage lake fed by precipitation, surface runoff, and groundwater. It has good to very good water quality and very good water clarity. There are 213 surface acres, with a maximum depth of 100 feet. Except for one section, Jordan Lake is heavily-developed. With no stream outlet, water leaves the lake through groundwater seepage or by evaporation from the lake’s surface. There is a public boat ramp owned by the Adams County Parks Department on the west side of the lake. There are also condominiums, RV campgrounds and resorts on the shore. The lake is managed by the Jordan Lake Improvement District.
Jordan Lake District
Chair: Karl Krickelton Email
Secretary: Kyle Cassel Email
Treasurer: Dan Schleiter Email
County Rep: Mike Backus Email
Town Board Rep: Jeff Tomm
Mason Lake
Mason Lake is located in the Town of New Haven, Adams County, WI, in the Town of Douglas, Marquette County, and in the Town of Lewiston, Columbia County, in the south central part of Wisconsin. The largest part of the impoundment lies in Adams County. This impoundment (man-made lake) has 855 surface acres, maximum depth of 9 feet, with a surface watershed covering 28 square miles. The Town of Douglas owns the dam forming Mason Lake. Mason Lake is a popular fishing lake in both summer and winter.
Attached to Mason Lake by a channel is Amey Pond. Amey Pond is operated as a waterfowl refuge by the Wisconsin Department of Natural Resources and Duck Unlimited jointly. In 2002, Mason Lake was placed on the federal impaired waterways list (commonly called the “303(d)” list). The reasons for this placement included highly-elevated phosphorus level, eutrophication, pH problems, NPS contamination and degraded habitat. The lake is managed by the Mason Lake District.
Mason Lake District
Chair: Dave Ditter Email
Secretary: Pam Klein Email
Treasurer: Andre Bukowski
County Rep: Jay Churco Email
Lake Monitor: John Konkel Email
Board Members: Jim Brancel Email, Robert Salamon Email
McGinnis Lake
McGinnis Lake is located in the Town of New Chester, Adams County, WI, in the south central part of Wisconsin. The impoundment is 33 surface acres in size. Maximum depth is 28 feet, with an average depth of 9 feet. The dam is owned and maintained by Adams County. There is a public boat ramp located on east end of the lake owned by The Adams County Parks Department. Most of the lake’s shore is developed into residences. The lake is managed by the McGinnis Inland Lake Rehabilitation District.
McGinnis Lake District
Chair: Barry Berndsen Email
Secretary: Dave Busse
Treasurer: Ken Roberts Email
County Rep: Jerry Poehler Email
Commissioner: Chuck Kotlowski Email
Parker Lake
Parker Lake is located in the Town of Jackson, Adams County, WI, in the south central part of Wisconsin, right off State Highway 82. The lake is 60 surface acres in size. Maximum depth is about 37 feet, with an average depth of 13 feet. About 21% of the lake is over 20’ deep. Parker Lake is a “seepage” lake, a natural lake fed by precipitation, surface runoff, and groundwater. With no stream outlet, water leaves the lake through groundwater seepage or by evaporation from the lake’s surface. There is a public wayside located on Highway 82 with walking access to the lake. There is no public boat landing, although the Parker Lake Lodge permits boat launching for a fee. The lake is managed by the Parker Lake Association.
Parker Lake District
Chair: Eric Edwards
Vice Chair: Steve Erikson
Secretary: Joe Kowalski
Treasurer: Steve Erikson
Lake Management Director: Ted Swanson
Communications Specialist: Steve Miller
Lake Monitor: Bob Warber Email
Patrick Lake
Patrick Lake is located in the Town of New Chester, Adams County, WI, in the south central part of Wisconsin. Patrick Lake is a mesotrophic natural seepage lake with good to very good water quality and clarity. It has 50 surface acres, with a maximum depth of 21 feet and a mean depth of 10 feet. In the past few years, the water level in Patrick Lake has been declining substantially. Studies are underway to determine what factors may be contributing to the ongoing lowering water levels. There is a county park and boat launch at the southeast “corner” of the lake. The lake is managed by the Patrick Lake Improvement District.
Patrick Lake District
Chair: Bill Zoulek
Secretary: Barbara Friedman
Treasurer: Neil Helm
County Rep: William McChesney
Lake Monitor: Steve Zoulek Email
Peppermill Lake
Peppermill Lake is a 65-acre man-made lake located in the Town of Jackson in southeastern Adams County. There is a public boat launch on the east side of the lake near the dam. It is owned and operated by Adams County. Due to the surrounding terrain, it has an unusual shape with many bays and peninsulas. The water is generally very clear and it is relatively shallow water, with a maximum depth of 12.5 feet. This spring-fed lake has abundant vegetation, which leads to prime fishing opportunities. Some fish you can expect in this lake are crappie, largemouth bass, panfish, northern pike, and perch. The Peppermill Lake District is very active in managing of the lake.
Peppermill Lake District
Chair: Bill Pegler Email
Secretary: Jeff Ranous
Treasurer: Art Donner Email
County Rep: Barb Morgan
Town Board Rep: Dan Henning
Lake Monitor: Robert Cropp
Petenwell Lake
Petenwell Lake, slightly north of Castle Rock Lake, is also part of the Wisconsin River Flowage. It is a man-made lake of 23,040 surface acres and a maximum depth of 48 feet. The dam on the lake is owned by the Wisconsin Power Company and is used to generate electricity. There are a number of county parks located on both sides of the lake.
PACRS Board Members
Chair: Scott Bordeau Email
Vice Chair: Peter Manley Email
Secretary: Colette Camerano Email
Treasurer: Steve Taylor Email
Board of Directors:
Peter Manley Email
Jim Stewart Email
Gerry Ganther Email
Joe Stuchlak Email
Mark Diedrich Email
Virgil Miller
Rick Potter Email
Lynda Everson Email
Petenwell & Castle Rock Stewards
1735 Archer Lane, Nekoosa, WI 54457
Sherwood Lake
Sherwood Lake is located in the Town of Rome, Adams County, WI, in the south central part of Wisconsin. The impoundment is slightly over 243 surface acres in size. Maximum depth is 24 feet, with an average depth of 8 feet. Both Upper and Lower Camelot Lakes flow through dams into Sherwood Lake. Sherwood Lake flows through a dam into Arrowhead Lake. There is a public boat launch on Sherwood Lake on the southwest edge of the lake owned by the Parks Department of Adams County. Heavy residential development around the lake is found along most of the lakeshore. The Lake is managed by the Tri-Lakes Management District, although there is also a Sherwood Lake Property Owners Association.
TRI Lakes District
Chair: Bob Benkowski
Secretary: Carl Hasdal
Treasurer: Steve Nowicki
County Board Rep: Scott Krug Email
Town of Rome Rep: Wayne Johnson
Lake Monitor: Phil Rockenbach Email
1555 Apache Avenue, Nekoosa, WI 54457
(715) 325-3250
Wolf Lake
Wolf Lake is located in the Town of Jackson, Adams County, WI, in the south central part of Wisconsin. . Wolf Lake has 49 surface acres and a maximum depth of 58 feet. Wolf Lake is a “seepage” lake, a natural lake fed by precipitation, surface runoff, and groundwater. With no stream outlet, water leaves the lake through groundwater seepage or by evaporation from the lake’s surface. About 1/3 of the lake shore is owned by the Wisconsin Department of Natural Resources and is undeveloped. The rest of the shore is occupied by residences, but effort has been made to keep natural shorelines. There is a public boat landing owned by the Town of Jackson for this no-motor lake. The lake is managed by the Wolf Lake Association.
Lake Monitor: Dave Sticha Email