Regulations and Safety Information
Camping Regulations at a glance:
Season Dates: Petenwell and Castle Rock Parks are open year round. All other parks / public accesses are open April 15 (open) to November 1 (closing), unless otherwise posted.
Park Hours: Park closes nightly from 10:30 p.m. to 7:00 a.m., except registered campers who are in or en-route, or people transporting watercraft to and from boat landings.
Quiet Hours: 11:00 pm to 7:00 am.
Campfires: In order to maintain the above quiet hours, NO CAMPFIRES MAY BE STARTED OR MAINTAINED BETWEEN 1:30 AM and 6:00 AM. Open campfires allowed but no closer than 12 feet to any tree or 10 feet to any shrub.
Campsite Vehicle Blockage: At no time shall one camping vehicle block another camping unit in at any one time, nor shall one camping unit block himself in, per Adams County Park Ordinance under additional rules, permits and exceptions.
All Camping Waste Water (which includes gray water): Must be disposed of within the designated park disposal station. Per IHLR 83.04(1) Domestic Waste, requires that all water carrying wastes derived from ordinary living uses shall enter a septic or treatment tank unless otherwise exempted by the Wisconsin Department of Natural Resources.
Vehicle Window Day Use Season Sticker or Hang Tag: Required on all vehicles at all times.
Fireworks: Prohibited at all times.
CAMPING MINORS: All campsites must have parental, legal guardian, or a non-profit organizational adult leader. All camping minors are restricted to their registered camping site between the hours of 11:00 p.m. and 6:00 a.m., unless accompanied by one of the above adult individuals.
Pets: Are welcome; however, must be effectively restrained on a leash no longer than 10 feet and not left unattended at any time.
Check Out Time: 3:00 p.m. daily. All re-registrations must occur by 3:00 p.m., or campsite will become available to another. No camping party shall start setting up or taking down it's camping unit between the hours of 11:00 p.m. and 7:00 a.m. without prior authorization of the respective park manager or assistant manager.
Campsite Must Be Cleaned Daily: By campers and waste is to be deposited in containers provided. This includes animal waste.
Motor Vehicles: Must be registered per campsite and must be parked within the campsite. No more than two motor vehicles are permitted at each campsite without additional fees assessed.
Campsite Activities Prohibited: No ground mats allowed in combination may be greater than 48 square feet and must be rolled up when campsite is not occupied for more than 24 hours.
For a full list of regulations click here: Parks Regulations
Parks Severe Weather Information:
With summer, comes the threat of severe weather. Although Adams County is not "Tornado Alley", severe storms and tornadoes are always a possibility. The following are some helpful tips for you to remember as you enjoy your stay in the park:
Check the latest weather forecast by tuning in to the local radio station: Adams - Dial setting 106.1 or Wisconsin Rapids - WGLX/FM Dial Setting 103.3
When a tornado warning is issued, it means a Tornado has been spotted, or is indicated on radar. SEEK SHELTER IMMEDIATELY! SIRENS ARE SOUNDED!! (If available)
Keep an eye on the sky. Darkening skies, increasing winds, lightning, and towering thunderheads (clouds) are indications that severe weather is in the area! Monitor a radio for the latest weather information!
When a thunderstorm threatens, seek inside shelter immediately. Get out of, or off of water, get off bicycles, etc. If caught outside do not get underneath a tall isolated tree. Avoid hilltops or areas that project above the surrounding landscape. Go to a low-lying area, such as a ravine or valley, but be cautious of flash flooding in such areas. lightning is a leading killer in thunderstorms, an average of just over 100 people are killed each year by lightning. If caught outside crouch down and get on the toes of your feet so that you are making limited contact with the ground, do not lie flat on the ground.
Most all Cities and Villages in Adams County have sirens that are activated when a tornado warning is issued. The tone for a tornado siren in Adams County is a steady blast that will last approximately three (3) minutes. If there is threatening weather and you hear a tornado siren seek shelter immediately. However, when at the Park, you may or may not hear any sirens.
The Park Office is generally open during regular business hours and park Staff will make every attempt to have the office open outside of these hours if there is there is severe weather in the area. It is your responsibility as a camper to seek appropriate shelter. You cannot out run a tornado in a car, so location such as ditches, low-lying areas and the like would be appropriate sites to look for.
Evacuation: Campers should familiarize themselves with the Park exit(s).