Town Transfer Sites
Town Transfer Site/Drop-offs:
Please note: Each site is owned & operated by the Town who set their own hours & guidelines. Contact your Town officials for more information.
Town of Big Flats: 1154 11th Ave (North of Buttercup) Saturdays: 10pm - 2pm year round. Wednesday: 1pm - 7pm
Town of Colburn: 175 Cumberland Ave Saturdays: 9am - 5pm year round. Wednesdays: 5pm to 7pm July thru September ONLY.
Town of Richfield: 175 Cumberland Ave Saturdays: 9am - 5pm year round. Wednesdays: 5pm to 7pm July thru September ONLY.
Town of Easton: 1163 County Road A Fourth Saturday of the month - 10:00am to 2:00pm year round.
Town of Leola: 172 Aniwa Lane Wednesdays & Saturdays: 8am - 4pm year round.
Town of Lincoln: 4th Ave, 1 mile north of County Road M Saturdays 9:45 am to 2:45 pm year round, Wednesdays: April 27, 2022 thru September 14, 2022 from 3:45 pm to 6:45 pm.
Town of Monroe: 958 18th Ave (North of County Road C) Sundays & Wednesdays: 11am - 5pm year round.
Town of New Chester: 547 County Road A (East of County Road B) Saturdays: 9am - 2pm year round. Sundays 11am - 2pm - May 1st thru September 30th.
Town of New Haven: East side of G halfway between P & Gillette Ave Saturday: 10am - 2pm year round. Wednesday 5pm - 7pm June 1st thru September 30th.
Town of Preston: 1315 13th Lane Saturdays, Sundays & Tuesdays: 9am - 1pm.
Town of Quincy: 1837 Dyke Drive Saturdays & Sundays: 12pm - 3pm; Monday: 10am - 12pm year round. Wednesday: 5pm - 7pm May thru October.
Town of Rome: 1371 Apache Ave Wednesdays, Saturdays & Sundays: 9am - 5pm summer only. When daylight saving time ends, closing hours at 4pm.
Town of Strongs Prairie: 1955 Cumberland Ave (West of County Road Z) - October 1st-April 15th: Saturdays & Sundays 1pm - 4pm & Wednesdays 2pm - 5pm. April 16th- September 30th: Saturdays & Sundays 1pm - 4pm, Wednesdays 5pm - 7pm, & Thursdays 10am - 1pm.
Municipalities with Curbside Service:
Town of Jackson:
*North of Hwy 82 - Garbage is every Tuesday & Recycling is the every other Tuesday.
*South of Hwy 82 - Garbage is every Wednesday & Recycling is every other Wednesday.
Town of Adams:
*East of 11th Avenue - Garbage pickup every Tuesday. Recycling - Every other Tuesday
*West of 11th Avenue - Garbage pickup every Thursday. Recycling - Every other Thursday
City of Adams: Serviced by Adams County. Garbage pick-up every Wednesday. Recycling is every other Wednesday.
Village of Friendship: Serviced by Clark Disposal. Garbage pick-up every Tuesday. Recycling is the 3rd Tuesday of the month.
Town of Dell Prairie: Serviced by Clark Disposal. Garbage pick-up every Thursday. Recycling is the 1st Thursday of the month.