Conservation Day
2022 Conservation Day
Thursday, September 22nd, 2022 @ the ROCHE-A-CRI STATE PARK
Thank you to all the 5th grade teachers, Kobussen Company, PACRS, Bucky's, A-F County Market and Roche-A-Cri State Park Staff for helping make this happen.
Thank you to the presenters:
Adams County Land & Water (LWC) - Megan Steckelberg (Organizer), Anna James, Chuck Sibilsky, and Carolyn Pralle.
Department of Natural Resources (DNR) - Colton Hutchinson, Jennifer Bergman, Jason Spaeth, Wade Romberg, Heather Wolf, Terri Wilson, Alex Grubbs, and Caleb Reuter.
Natural Resources Conservation Service (NRCS) - Scott Doherty and Lisa Zamzow.
UW Extension - Sheila Michels.
Department of Agriculture, Trade, Consumer Protection (DATCP) - Kelli Neitzel.
Adams County Solid Waste (SW) - Charlie Kuhn.
Thank you to our Group Leaders:
FFA Students!
Thank you to our donors:
Petenwell and Castle Rock Stewardship (PACRS) - donated $200.00 towards this event.
A-F County Market - donated beverages for the presenters/helpers.
We had a total of 10 stations and about 92 students.
Ag Waste Management
Presenters: Kelli Neitzel from DATCP
and Chuck Sibilsky from LWC
(Department of Agriculture, Trade and Consumer Protection)
(Adams County Land & Water)
Kids learned about Ag Waste, what it is and how to manage it.
Then they got to play a "Chip (bean bag) toss game".
Presenter: Charlie Kuhn
from Adams County Solid Waste
Kids learned about how to compost, got to see the different stages of composting and see what a bin looks like.
DNR Law & Safety
Presenter: Wade Romberg from DNR
(Department of Natural Resources)
Kids learned about being safe on recreational vehicles and some regulations on wildlife.
Presenters: Jennifer Bergman
and Jason Spaeth from DNR
(Department of Natural Resources)
Kids learned about the fish we have around here and the restocking process. Along with how the DNR does microchipping on some fish.
Forestry/Prescribed Burning
Presenters: Terri Wilson, Alex Grubbs, and Caleb Reuter from DNR
(Department of Natural Resources)
Kids learned about forestry; and how to put out fires safely and what prescribed burning is. They also got to run the water hose to put out the fake "fire".
Nature Gratitude
Presenter: Sheila Michels
from UW Extension
Kids learned what kind of things outside are good for our mental health. Then they got to create a zen garden showing what they love most about being outside.
Soil Health
Presenters: Scott Doherty and Lisa Zamzow from NRCS - USDA
(Natural Resources Conservation Service - United States Department of Agriculture)
Kids learned about soil health, how to protect and conserve. They got to see what tools they use in the field.
Water Quality
Presenters: Anna James, LWC and Colton Hutchinson, DNR
(Adams County Land & Water)
(Department and Department of Natural Resources)
Kids learned how to collect water samples and then used different tools to filter out things in the water that would get submitted to the labs. They also got to decipher between the water bugs they would find out and about. They loved being little scientists!
Presenters: Heather Wolf, DNR
(Department and Department of Natural Resources)
Kids learned how to collect nectar for their beehives and why bees are super important to our environment. They loved playing the game Heather created for them.
Presenters: Carolyn Pralle, LWC
(Adams County Land & Water)
Kids learned the importance of our wetlands and how fast the wildlife population is effected by climate change. They really enjoyed the game Carolyn created!
2021 Conservation Day
Thursday, September 23rd, 2021 @ the Adams County Fairgrounds
Thank you to all the 5th grade teachers, Kobussen Company, PACRS, Bucky's and Adams County Fairground Board for helping make this happen.
Thank you to the presenters:
Adams County Land & Water - Megan Steckelberg (host), Anna James, and Kason Morley.
Department of Natural Resources - Molly Detjens, Colton Hutchinson, Jennifer Bergman, Jason Spaeth.
Natural Resources Conservation Service - Jeremy Ziegler and Karla Petges.
UW Extension - Evan Henthorne, Sheila Michels.
Department of Agriculture, Trade, Consumer Protection - Taylor Smagacz, Kelli Neitzel.
Golden Sands Resource Conservation & Development Council - Kendra Kundiner.
ZanBria Artisan Farms - Heather Gayton.
Thank you to the volunteers:
PACRS (Petenwell and Castle Rock Stewardship) - Colette and Tom Camerano, Mark Diedrich and Lisa Schenk.
PACRS also donated $200.00 towards this event. Thank you so much, we appreciate the donated funds and your personal time!
We had a total of 10 stations and about 50 students.
Ag Waste Management
Presenters: Taylor Smagacz and Kelli Neitzel from DATCP
(Department of Agriculture, Trade and Consumer Protection)
Kids learned about Ag Waste, what it is and how to manage it. Then they got to play a "manure (bean bag) toss game".
Aquatic Invasive Species
Presenter: Kendra Kundiner
from Golden Sands RC&D
(Golden Sands Resource Conservation and Development)
Kids learned about what kind of Aquatic Invasive Species we have around here and how to not spread to other bodies of water.
Presenter: Heather Gayton
from ZanBria Artisan Farms
Kids learned about how to compost and best uses for it. Then they got to play a game of tag composting. The kids also got to take home a tip sheet and a bookmark with composting basics.
DNR Law & Safety
Presenter: Molly Detjens from DNR
(Department of Natural Resources)
Kids learned about being safe on recreational vehicles while do a little wildlife education.
Presenters: Jennifer Bergman and Jason Spaeth from DNR
(Department of Natural Resources)
Kids learned about the fish we have around here and the restocking process. They got to take Wisconsin Wildcards home with them.
Presenter: Evan Henthorne
from UW Extension
Kids learned about forestry; what it takes to grow trees and different types of trees. They got to play a couple of games too!
Mental Health
Presenter: Sheila Michels
from UW Extension
Kids learned what kind of things outside are good for our mental health. Then they got to create a zen garden showing what they love most about being outside.
Soil Health
Presenters: Jeremy Ziegler and Karla Petges from NRCS - USDA
(Natural Resources Conservation Service - United States Department of Agriculture)
Kids learned about soil health, how to protect and conserve. They got to see what tools they use in the field.
Presenter: Kason Morley
from Ad. Co. LWCD
(Adams County Land & Water Conservation Department)
Kids got to see the different types of hides, and traps used based on the type of animal. They loved touching the hides and seeing the traps.
Water Quality
Presenters: Anna James, Ad. Co. LWCD and Colton Hutchinson, DNR
(Adams County Land & Water Conservation Department and Department of Natural Resources)
Kids learned how to collect water samples and then used different tools to filter out things in the water that would get submitted to the labs. They loved being little scientists!
2019 Conservation Day
Adams County Fairgrounds
Thank you to all the 5th grade teachers, Kobussen Company and Adams County Fairground Board for helping make this happen.
We'd also like to thank the presenters:
Wade Romberg (DNR), Molly Detjens (DNR), Kason Morley (Ad. Co. County Conservationist), Sam Peterson (Ad. Co. Water Resource Specialist), Caleb Zahn (NRCS), Chuck Sibilsky (Ad. Co. Resource Conservationist), Evan Henthorne (UW Extension), John Wallendal (Wallendal Farms).
DNR Law:
Kids were taught about why safety is important in a boat, a canoe and an ATV.
Fishing & Trapping:
Kids learned how to do trapping and a little bit about fishing. They got to feel the hides of different animals and look at the different types of trapping tools.
Kids talked about what needs trees, and what do trees need to survive. Then they got to play a game where they had to gather as much sun, water, and air as they could to live.
Invasive Species:
Kids learned about what is invasive in the county and got to play a pretty cool Invasive Tag game!
Kids learned about different types of pollinators, how they live and some of the history.
Kids learned about different types of soils, walked through the soil inflatable tunnel and played a game of water trying to get through different types of soils.
2018 Conservation Day
Adams County Fairgrounds
Thank you to all the 5th grade teachers, Kobussen Company and Adams County Fairground Board for helping make this happen.
We'd also like to thank the presenters:
Barb Morgan (LWCD Board Member), Wade Romberg (DNR), Molly Detjens (DNR), Kay Olson-Martz (Ad. Co. Farm Bureau), Sandy Pfeiffer and Kristin Bougie (retired teachers), Sam Peterson (Ad. Co. Water Resource Specialist), Chuck Sibilsky (Ad. Co. Resource Conservationist), Evan Henthorne (UW Extension), Joe Stuchlak (Owner of Dam Castle Rock Bait Shop) and helper Mike Anderson.
Kids learned how to use a compass and got to keep one to take home.
DNR Law:
Kids were taught about why safety is important in a boat, a canoe and a fourwheeler.
Editable Soils:
Kids learned the different layers of soil and then got to eat it.
Kids got feel different types of soil and look at pictures of what erosion looks like and how Land & Water Conservation Department can help fix.
Fishing & Trapping:
Kids learned how to do trapping and a little bit about fishing. They got to feel the hides of different animals and look at the different types of trapping tools. Joe set off one of the traps so they could see it in action.
Kids talked about what needs trees, and what do trees need to survive. Then they got to play a game where they had to gather as much sun, water, and air as they could to live.
Invasive Species:
Kids learned about what is invasive in the county and got to play a pretty cool game!