Well Abandonment Information
What is Well Abandonment?
Unused and improperly abandoned wells are a significant threat to groundwater quality. If not properly filled with impermeable material, abandoned wells can directly channel contaminated surface or soil water into groundwater. Water that gets into abandoned wells bypasses the purifying action that normally takes place in the upper layers of the soil. Because groundwater flows in soil and bedrock formations (aquifers), contamination that enters old wells can move to nearby drinking water wells. Many thousands of improperly abandoned wells are threatening groundwater in Wisconsin. Whenever you see an old deteriorating windmill in the countryside, there is likely an improperly abandoned well underneath.
Most well abandonment's in Adams County involve old hand dug pits with a pipe at the bottom into groundwater. These wells are conduits to drinking water wells by way of groundwater flows in soils and bedrock formation (aquifers). Any contamination that enters these old wells will reach drinking water wells.
A licensed plumber is required to properly abandon these wells.
Adams County can Cost-Share!!!!
Unused and improperly abandoned wells are a significant threat to groundwater quality. If not properly filled with impermeable material, abandoned wells can directly channel contaminated surface or soil water into groundwater. Water that gets into abandoned wells bypasses the purifying action that normally takes place in the upper layers of the soil. Because groundwater flows in soil and bedrock formations (aquifers), contamination that enters old wells can move to nearby drinking water wells. Many thousands of improperly abandoned wells are threatening groundwater in Wisconsin. Whenever you see an old deteriorating windmill in the countryside, there is likely an improperly abandoned well underneath.