Public Health

Health & Human Services Department

108 East North Street

Friendship, WI 53934

Public Health, Prevent, Promote, Protect

Cody Przybylski, MS 

Public Health Officer

Fax (608) 339-4560

Email Click Here

Public Health focuses on improving the physical, mental, and social well-being of the entire community. Public Health provides education, services, and policy development to prevent disease and improve safety for all community members. Public Health provides a number of services, some which are: prenatal services, environmental health services, chronic disease follow-up, communicable disease follow-up, and immunization services.

Mission:  To promote wellness, prevent disease, and protect the environment.

Vision: To be a leader within a supportive organization

 to advocate for the preservation, health, and well-being of our community.

Public Health Staff

Cody Przybylski MS - Public Health Officer

Meredith Engwall, R.N., BSN, Registered Nurse

Karla Melke R.N., BSN, Public Health Nurse

Molly Latterell, BS, Community Health Specialist

Rhiannon Kuske, Community Health Specialist