Foster Care

Foster Care in Wisconsin

Every day foster families in Wisconsin make an incredible difference for children living in foster care by providing safe and caring homes for children. Family foster care and treatment foster care are designed to be temporary placements for children when their parents cannot care for them. Over 5,100 foster homes across the state care for almost 8,000 foster children each year. There is an ongoing need for foster parents, especially those who can care for sibling groups, teenagers and children with disabilities. To become a foster parent or get more information, call 608-339-4505 and ask to speak to the foster care worker, Tina Smith or email her at Email.

Adams County Foster Care

Adams County foster parents provide a home to children and youth who are unable to live with their families when parents are unable to meet their child’s needs. A foster parent works with the Health & Human Services Department and the child's family to help achieve a safe and permanent living situation for a child, hopefully with the birth family or other relatives whenever possible.

In addition to significantly impacting the life of a child in need, Adams County foster parents are provided with monthly compensation, reimbursements, training, professional support, and guidance, and have access to a social worker 24 hours a day so that they can best meet the needs of children placed in their care.

Types of Foster Care Placements & Foster Parent Responsibilities

All Adams County Wisconsin foster parents are licensed in the same manner but there are different functions that they perform, such as:

General Placements - Foster homes that provide concurrent care agree to work with the social worker and birth parents in returning the child or children to the birth parents' care but can consider adoption of the child if a return home is not deemed possible by the courts. 

Fostering Independence - Foster home that agrees to take on teens aged 14-21 and help them develop life skills for independent living. Foster parents who specialize in working with older teens agree to assist young people in such matters as goal setting and positive communication as well as concrete skills such as seeking employment, cooking, and money management. 

Respite - Foster homes that provide care temporarily, only a few days at a time to give other foster parents a break.

Foster Parent Licensing Process

There are several elements involved in becoming an Adams County Foster Parent:

General Eligibility

How to Apply - Contact Information

If you are interested in becoming an Adams County Foster Parent you may call (608) 339-4505 or email the Foster Care Coordinator for more information. 

You can learn more about becoming a Foster Parent in Wisconsin by visiting Wisconsin’s Foster Parent website: (Link to State of Wisconsin Foster Care Website)

Here is the application to become a foster parent: (Link to Foster Care Application here)

Contact Information

Tina Smith, CSW

C/O Adams County Health & Human Services

108 E North Street

Friendship, WI 53934

Phone (608) 339-4505
