
Advocacy represents the strategies devised, actions taken, and solutions proposed to influence decision-making at the local, state, and federal levels to create positive change for people and their environment. Everyone needs to be involved, and a single voice is a powerful tool.

Aging Advisory/ADRC Committee members represent the views, interests, and concerns of Adams County's older population along with eligible persons with disabilities. Current members include: 

Meetings are held at 1:00pm, the 3rd Wednesday in January, March, May, July, September, and November at the Adams County Community Center. Agendas are posted on the County Webpage.  The public is welcome!

Wisconsin State Statute 46.82 states that each county’s aging unit shall: 1) assist in representing needs, views, and concerns of older individuals in local decision-making; 2) assist older individuals in expressing their views to elected officials and providers of services; and 3) advocate on behalf of older individuals to assist in enabling them to meet their basic needs.

To express a concern or need that you may have, to request an updated list of elected officials serving your area, or to find out about current advocacy efforts at the Aging and Disability Services Division of Adams County call 608-339-4251.