Property Taxes


General Information:

*Property tax bills are mailed mid-December

*Examine your tax bill and any notice included carefully. The Treasurer is not responsible for payments sent incorrectly.

*Property owners who have escrow accounts though different entities will receive their tax bill. It will be up to the owner to confirm the information with their various entity.

*Failure to receive a tax bill does not affect the validity of the taxes or negate delinquency charges. If you do not receive a tax bill by January 1, please contact our office or use the online website to retrieve the information. Please remember to notify the County Treasurer of any address changes.

If you have an address change please fill out our address change form. It can be sent back via E-mail, Fax or U.S. Postal Service. 

If sending in via e-mail please email us at: Email County Treasurer Office 

If sending Via Fax please fax us at: 608-339-4584

If sending via postal please send to the following address: 

Adams County Treasurer

401 Adams St. Suite 11 

Friendship, WI 53934

Real Estate Tax Payments:

Current Year Taxes:

*1st Payment or Payment in Full

- Due January 31st

  - Payable to the local municipal treasurer

**Payments sent to the incorrect entity will be returned to sender {Note: The County Treasurer does not have the ability to post payments due January 31st until After February 1}**

*2nd Installment/Payment

-Due July 31st  Please note: 2nd installment reminder notices are not sent by Adams County. Please retain your payment stub from your initial bill for payments purposes

- Payable to the County Treasurer

Delinquent Taxes:

            -Payable to the County Treasurer (not the local municipality)

Personal Property:

Personal property taxes are payable in full, excepting improvements on leased land, by January 31st to the local municipal treasurer. Any inquiries regarding personal property tax information should be directed to the local municipality treasurer.

Failure to Pay On Time:

Payments are considered timely if postmarked by the January 31 for full or 1st installment – July 31 for 2nd installment, and mailed to the correct collecting agency.

Taxes are considered delinquent as of February 1st , if the minimum January payment indicated on the tax bill has not been met or has untimely postmark. The installment option is then no longer available. Delinquent taxes will begin accruing interest and penalty as of February 1 at the rate of 18% per year, prorated at 1.5% per month as of the first day of each month thereafter until paid. It is not accumulated daily. A fraction of the month counts as the whole month. Again, this will be on the FULL amount due, not the installment amount, as it became obsolete. (s 74.11(7) or 74.12 &74.85 Wis Stats)

Taxes are also considered delinquent as of August 1, if the 2nd installment payment is not paid in full or has untimely postmark. These delinquencies are subject to the same interest and penalty rate as listed above, with the interest and penalties dating back to February 1. Thus, August interest and penalty will be deemed at 10.5% at that time. (s74.11(7) or 74.12 & 74.5 Wis Stats).

To avoid any of these scenarios, please make out your payments correctly and mail to the correct collecting agency to be considered received in a timely manner.

Payment Options


Payments for December/January current year taxes to the local municipalities are listed on the tax bill and/or insert. Please follow accordingly.

County Treasurer:

Options available for County Treasurer payments are by mail, in person, or by **credit/debit card.

**The credit/debit card option listed on the County Treasurer website is available for 2nd installment and delinquencies only - December/January payments will be refused and returned to remitter. All payments are subject to fees assessed by the company providing the service. Remitters will need the 12 digit parcel number. Credit/debit card payments take 2 business days to be received by the Treasurer.


If you are looking for help or assistance for property tax issues, here are a couple of websites to look into:

If you are in danger of losing your home for back taxes because you owe 2018 or prior taxes, you can try to contact the Foundation for Rural Housing and their Critical Assistance Funds:

Or try this link for possible qualifying assistance: Wisconsin help for homeowners.

If you owe 2019 and after taxes and/or fell behind on your mortgage due to COVID, please check and sign up on the Take Root Wisconsin web site here