Adams County Child Support Services
The Adams County CSA provides child support services at no cost to any former or current recipient of public aid (Medicaid, BadgerCare, food stamps, foster care, Kinship care, child care), W-2, or TANF. When an application is made for W-2, TANF, Medicaid or food stamps, a referral is automatically made to the child support agency. Those individuals are required to assist the CSA in establishing and enforcing child support orders. Non-cooperation can result in sanctions and loss of benefits. If cooperating with the CSA could result in harm to the caregiver or child(ren), or if a child was conceived as a result of incest or sexual assault, it may be appropriate to request a "Good Cause" claim form. If an individual has been denied a good cause claim and has been referred by the CSA for non-cooperation with a sanction imposed, the individual may request an administrative hearing through the ESA (Economic Support Agency). If you wish to request Privacy Protection due to threats of harm, please provide the CSA with a completed privacy protection form. More information about this can be found at: or by visiting the agency.
Here is a link for information about Wisconsin’s Safe at Home program:
If individuals are involved in a family matter and have never received any public aid, W-2 or TANF, they may request an application for services if there is an order for child support.
The Child Support Agency is located in the lower level of the Adams County Courthouse at 401 Adams St, Friendship, Wisconsin in Room C-020. The CSA office is handicap accessible. The telephone number is 608-339-4228. The hours of operation are Monday thru Friday from 8:00 AM to 4:30 PM. The office is closed for legal holidays. Clients are seen by appointment.
The Adams County CSA is an equal-opportunity provider. We will provide upon request, alternative formats for information dissemination and language/hearing impaired translation. The TTY phone number is 800-833-7813. If you are requesting translation services, please text the agency at 608-581-9611 (these texts can be translated). The CSA will not discriminate on the basis of race, color, sex, national origin, ancestry, marital status, religion, sexual orientation, arrest/conviction record, use of lawful products, military status, disability or political affiliation.
The child support agency cannot give legal advice. The attorney that appears at child support hearings represents the child support agency/State of Wisconsin. He/she does not represent either party in the case.
We will not begin enforcement activities unless a payor is at least 30 days past due with no payment in that time period.
The Adams County CSA is not able to provide assistance concerning custody and placement issues.
Reviews of child support orders are conducted every 33 months unless there is a substantial change in circumstances prior to that time period elapsing.
Civil Rights Language Assistance: